Travelling doesn’t have to always be very far places. We can find some amazing places around us if we pay attention and are ready for an experience. Many people consider their hometowns or surroundings boring places and they travel to far away lands to make it exciting; including me.
When I was younger we use to visit Corfu for the summer and work there in our hotel. This was the most boring part for me; same hotel same place every year. Though others would come with excitement to visit from Britain year after year for up to 20 years. More than the amount of time I actually spent there now that I think about it. 🙂
We spent Easter bank holiday here in the UK and we decided against going anywhere far but rather to explore and enjoy the beautiful local areas. We live in one of the most beautiful places in the UK in my opinion and many people come to visit. The beautiful Yorkshire and the Yorkshire dales. Only 20 minutes and we can have some amazing views that really make you feel as if you are in a different country. I love this type of nature and it is my favourite part of living here.
Yesterday we headed down to Haworth, a historic village a few miles outside Bradford. The Bronte sisters, famous poets and novelists in the nineteenth century are from with the village. It is a very popular tourist destination, it dates back to 1209 and it has a really cool steam train that takes you on a journey into the surrounding areas. The views are spectacular and I love the fact that once you step into Haworth you are taken on a historical journey.
Haworth is in a valley/ hill-side and it does have quite a steep walk upwards and downwards.
Small little cobble streets, old style shops, beautiful views and nice people. An excellent way to spend some time walking around and enjoying nature and history.
I honestly think that photos of Haworth and the Yorkshire landscape can’t do justice of how beautiful it is.
My kind of shops as well.. candy store!
Definitely transported into another era. A great entertainment and invitation for a tea in the shop. 🙂
I also had the opportunity to see Morris dancers, which I don’t think I ever saw live before. I loved it. 🙂
Morris dance is a form of English folk dance and they date back to 1448. I really like folk dance and me and my sisters have danced as part of clubs since a very young age. It is a nice way to keep some traditions up. I am not sure why they were performing in Haworth but they did gather a crowd and were really good. Many of them were middle-aged and I do admire the fact that they are still active and can pull it off.
They also have a great park which is very well maintained and the perfect destination for a family day in the sun and a picnic.
If you are in the UK I totally recommend you pay Haworth and the Yorkshire Dales a visit. It’s time to get out of London and see the real English countryside.